After two decades coaching - Its TIME

 I think I’m writing this to myself rather than anyone else. Maybe because I need closure i'm sure no-one else cares anyway, might just be me that reads it!

I have given so much of my adult life to football coaching, it feels very strange to not be involved in anything for the first time in over 20 years. I'm not eating dinner on the go, nor on the phone all night and i'm not blinking and the weekends gone, nor on my laptop all evening and weekend writing reports and planning. The strange thing is, I don’t miss it, I'm not yearning for it. The fire and passion has gone. I have been asked to do several things like help, coach and consider roles but I have found myself simply not wanting to do it. That to me means it's time to move on. 

We have heard many times players say they have fallen out of love with football, maybe that’s where I am at, or at least the working part of it.


It has been hugely rewarding seeing some of the players progressing. Seeing players play at professional level that I think I might of played some small part in helping them achieve their dreams, that fills me with pride. I think that there is still more to come also. Two great guys took on the running of the football club I created and implemented and maintained all the principles I put in place. That makes me so happy. 

I was honored to be asked to be part of a team of people trying to help some really troubled young people. We used football as the vehicle to open up dialogue and create a safe positive environment for them. That was amazing. 

I have been to great places, most of the highest-level training grounds in the country and overseas. I've met some great people. Only the other day I bumped into an ex professional I have worked with at Luton Town. He asked how I was and I shared my honest feelings. He totally got it and emphasised. I loved the camaraderie and smiling. I enjoyed it. I didn’t enjoy a lot of the pointless administration though that’s for sure! Albeit a lot of improvements and systems were terrific. Best of all, I certainly made some great friends.


One of my many silly motto's is never say never in football. I think like many I certainly have been treated badly at times or taken advantage of, but people move on quickly, so you can never say never. But I really cannot visualise me working in football as a coach, or a scout again. Even as a manager, It would take something incredibly life changing and absolute coherence and belief in change. Maybe another senior role that brings together all my experience and qualifications in the future might fit. Especially helping a club with an overall implementation of a true sustainable football development and pathway ethos from youth to 1st team. Maybe that could work in the future.


I always gave it my all, I always wanted to inject myself with enthusiasm when walking on a pitch. Mind you, I also needed a lot of paracetamol as well in the cold! I wanted to ensure I focused and applied as much detail as possible. If I was looking at players I wanted to get there early, do some research, watch every aspect of the player, even the warm up. If I was analysing a game I tried to treat it as though I was helping the manager, and If I could help expose one weakness it could mean the difference, to me it was all or nothing. So now that I have this sudden loss of interest I would be cheating myself, any club but most of all the players. I've witnessed and criticised players and coaches that seem to go through the motions, clearly not interested or dejected, I never want to be that person.


Helping my wife through a torrid illness has made me realise more than ever how valuable time is. A cliché I know but now I value it more than ever. I realise how much time I gave to football, also why I look so tired and have little time for exercise, or golf, or holidays, or weekends away, or other sports I want to see. 

I used to have football matches on TV in the background in evenings and weekends and sometimes the next day I couldn't even recall the events of that game. I would be so engrossed in reports. Football can sap your life and finally I am realising the return on that investment is always elsewhere.

Recently Ive been able to watch my son play football. Just watch a game, laugh and enjoy it. It feels great. 

Perhaps it took the covid lockdown to make me realise.  I certainly never got rich with football, in fact quite the opposite, it has cost me a lot to take part. I don’t think people on the outside realise the time and financial commitments. It is completely draining and only now with that enforced break have I realised all that I have missed and what my family have missed.


I have new exciting plans for work and business and I really need to dedicate my time to it. However, all that experience will not go to waste. All that I learned in sport has and will always help me in business. Especially with development ethos. But I seen and heard a lot. I met great people. I know I made mistakes but on the whole I sincerely hope players know that I loved helping them. I also tried to help people. Children from all backgrounds. Some children of global superstars and others with the most heartbreaking personal circumstances. Younger coaches, support staff and players. I have always helped if I could. I've also appreciated and respected the great people i've been lucky to work for and who gave me opportunities and I hope they seen and appreciated the dedication and loyalty I showed them.


I will be writing about many aspects of the years spent in football and will host this at I will interview some of the great people in the game to get their view on aspects of football behind the scenes and also grass roots. I seen a game recently, a grass roots U8 game and standing there made me really want to help. Just share some of the bits i've learned. One way I think I can do to help is write it down so that’s what I will be doing from now on. I will cover topics around

  • Academy Football
  • Scouting in senior football
  • Scouting in youth football
  • Sports Science
  • Analysis
  • Health and Well-being
  • Qualification and personal development
  • Game Reviews
  • Agents
  • School PE
  • Grassroots Youth
  • Grassroots Senior
  • Non League Football



 So for me the passion and the intrinsic drive has gone, I have to be true to myself. Maybe one day it will come back. But for now Its time to focus this time on family, business and my own well-being. Thanks to everyone that gave me opportunities, that made me laugh, that listened to my rubbish banter, that gave me great memories and those that helped me when things were not so great.



Tony McCool


  1. Great read and real Tony, I'll be logging on 👍🏼

  2. Good luck with this Tony. Looking forward to reading it :-)


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